Micky, our light for so long, now gone into light itself
The funeral service for Micky Burn, to whom we had all become so very close, was held on Thursday last, the 16th, at Llanfihangel Church, on a hill above the southern shore of the Glaslyn Estuary, North Wales. Micky had organised every detail of the service, including, so it would appear, the weather, with a bright sun shining down on the hundred or so relatives and friends who came to pay their respects.
The service included six of us who remembered him in speeches. Of course it was impossible to speak of Micky without recalling his many plumbing, culinary and other assorted mishaps, with the result that the church was filled with laughter. The service was followed by an equally good-humoured wake at Castel Duedraeth.
In the days before the funeral, enquiries arrived thick and fast from those preparing obituaries, these including the Associated Press, the New York Times, the Washington Post and The Week magazine, in Australia. We will try to combine these in a form that can be made generally available.
Meanwhile work on our film about Micky's life continues apace, our filming with Micky himself having been completed prior to his passing. A final shoot is pencilled in for early November, following the London Film Festival.
A pdf of the Order of Service will be added to the page below, which contains a moving video tribute paid to Micky by French TV- Channel 3.