The Lady meets the Old Master

An article of mine was published in 'The Lady', Tuesday November 10th. The subject, of course, was the extraordinary life of Micky Burn, and the piece was beautifully illustrated by Scott van Osdol's photos. Amongst a host of other adventures the text describes how Micky became involved in the operation of the Colditz Castle secret radio ( Here he is, seated at the radio in its new - rather easier to get at - position in the castle's museum: it used to be hidden high up in the roof. (Image copyright Scott Van Osdol)

An article of mine was published in 'The Lady', Tuesday November 10th. The subject, of course, was the extraordinary life of Micky Burn, and the piece was beautifully illustrated by Scott van Osdol's photos. Amongst a host of other adventures the text describes how Micky became involved in the operation of the Colditz Castle secret radio ( Here he is, seated at the radio in its new - rather easier to get at - position in the castle's museum: it used to be hidden high up in the roof. (Image copyright Scott Van Osdol)
Speaking of Scott's photographic expertise, we are proposing that his vibrant, detailed images of surviving Charioteers, including Micky of course, be contained in a commemorative volume whose working title is 'THE LAST OF OUR LADS'. Constructed around a series of photo-essays, its purpose is to bring past and present together in such a way as to pay due tribute to an extraordinary group of men. An abridged version of the book is currently being considered by publishers. We think it's a work of art. Fingers crossed!
If you're wondering where the term 'Old Master' comes in, just look at this image captured by Scott in the Osteria Italiana - erstwhile Osteria Bavaria - in Munich, where Unity Mitford used to spend endless hours waiting to be noticed by Hitler, and where all those years ago her rash young friend Micky, decided that waiting was unacceptable and presented himself to the Führer and his entourage in the courtyard where they were dining. Plus ça change....!
(Caravaggio, anyone?)