A few years ago the renowned military artist David Rowlands ( an amazing painting of the Army Commandos disembarking under fire from HMS Campbeltown. Aside from its highly detailed execution the work is notable for its accuracy in that David was able to place many of the men, both Commando and Navy, in their correct positions. Prints of the painting are available from the St. Nazaire Society and a key is available to show who was who. David very kindly allowed me to use this image on the website I run for the St Nazaire Society -

Just recently, and in line with the 100th anniversary of the Armistice which ended World War one, David has completed yet another tour de force, in his depiction of the assault across the Sambre-Oise canal by the Royal Engineers and 2nd Bn The Royal Sussex Regt at 06.10 hrs on 4th November 1918. David will attending a commemoration event shortly, at which a full-size framed copy of the work will be presented to the mayor. The work of military artists rarely receives the attention it deserves, bearing in mind the talent and effort that goes into producing these invaluable windows into history. Now, and thanks to the digital revolution, we can bring their work deservedly into full focus.


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